Read this if you think making YouTube videos isn’t for you…

Zach Snyder
5 min readJul 26, 2019


When you look at online video content (YouTube, Twitch, Instagram, etc.) — it’s easy to assume that it’s “not for you.”

I’ve talked to hundreds of people over the past few years about why I make videos and admittedly, a big reason is that I just love to create, but it also comes down to the future of our economy.

When I ask “Why don’t you try video content?” — I usually get these responses:

  • “It’s not for me.”
  • “I’m not a creative person.”
  • “I work in ______ industry, so I don’t need to brand myself”
  • “It’s way too difficult.”

And sure, these were valid answers — 10 years ago — but we live in a world where making video content is more important (and easier) than it ever has been.

YouTube is on its way to becoming the #1 biggest Search Engine in the world.

Why is this important?

Because its parent company, Google, is currently #1 and I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but everybody uses Google. This means that before too long, everybody will be using YouTube as well.

In fact, just last year, YouTube reached 2 billion active users. By the end of the year, it’ll be well on its way to being used by 1/3rd of the entire population.

Not only is YouTube great for entertainment, considering that its used extensively by children and parents alike, but it’s a great source for educational content. Think about it, the last time you needed to know “How to do” something, you probably searched it on Google and clicked on a video. After a while, you realized that it was just easier to go to YouTube directly and look for the How-To guide there.

With all this in mind, it’s easy to see that online video content is important to the future of our global economy.

If you want to move up into the world, whether you’re a barista at your local Starbucks, a fortune 500 CEO, or a freelance entrepreneur — branding yourself on the internet, can give you opportunities you’ve never even dreamed of.

The biggest way you can enhance your online portfolio is by making video content.

Now you know WHY you should create content, but what about the HOW?

Like I said earlier, I am a creative person. Sure, I learned some of what I know from books and a bit of school, but the majority of my knowledge came straight from the internet. I exceeded in music classes throughout middle school and high school, because after school I would come home and look up videos about music, find new sheet music, and practice a lot. Doing this got me a full-ride into an expensive private college with an exceptional music program.

I got into video creation in 10th grade, only 8 years ago, and for the last year, I’ve been able to utilize these skills to pay my bills.

I’ve learned intermediate Japanese, how to solve a Rubik’s cube, the basics of theoretical physics, graphic design, and the list goes on. I say this not to brag about what I know, because it really isn’t that big of a deal.

You can learn these things too. The internet is full of information and all it takes is a bit of an inquisitive mind to search for it.

So when you say “I don’t know how to make videos” — it’s an excuse that’s easily fixed by searching for the right instructions.

Not only this, but making videos in 2019 is one of the easiest things you could do. Most of use in a 1st world country own a smart phone. These devices are much more advanced than any camera 10 years ago.

We are making better quality videos with our phones on Snapchat and Instagram stories, than the movies that were made 20 years ago.

Think about that for a second.

You can also fully edit any video on your phone with apps like Adobe Clip or if you don’t wanna get too technical on your PC, you can still use things like iMovie. Sure, you won’t be able to do anything advanced yet, but that’s not the point.

The point is making videos in the first place.


This comes down to your expertise.

Are you passionate about your job? Then make videos talking about your experience with that job. Talk about your past jobs. Talk about how you got to where you are now. Interview other people are your work place. Give advice to younger people who wanna be where you are now. Discuss your future plans. Answer frequently asked questions about your profession.

Are you passionate about a skill? Teach people that skill. Show people your best work. Talk about the struggles and perks that come with that skill. Answer questions from people are just getting started.

Do you aspire to do something new? Start vlogging about your experiences with this new thing. Talk about each of your daily struggles and successes. Showcase your progress. Interview people who do the thing you wanna do.

This is all just the tip of the iceberg.

Anybody can make videos about anything and that’s the beauty of the internet. Whether it’s on YouTube, Instagram, Linkedin, etc. — it’s just important to realize that you can find your place in this video-centric webspace.

Once you find what it is you want to do with video and start doing it — you may find that new opportunities await you. Things like new clients, new jobs, supplemental income, passive income, an audience, etc.

These are all things that will help build your brand and in turn, your professional portfolio.

Now, I know that making professional videos with amazing editing can take a lot of time and effort. If you’re running a business, taking care of a family, or working full-time — it might not be possible for you to take the extra time to learn how to do that, but after reading this article, you probably wanna get started.

Well, after filming your videos on your smart phone, if you’re looking for someone to edit your videos to make them ready for the internet — I would be more than willing to help. You can email me at and we can come up with a personalized package of video editing and marketing services to get your videos out there to the rest of the world. Just let me know that you’ve read this and we can get started!



Zach Snyder
Zach Snyder

Written by Zach Snyder

📽️ Host of Your Everyday Nerd 📼 Freelance Video Editor 🎺 Musician Email:

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