Apathy: a lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.
Considering the world we live in, apathy is an emotion that’s quite difficult to come to terms with.
In a way, apathy is a survival mechanism. Against the backdrop of bleakness, we tend to harden our emotions, while searching for any amount of joy we can muster.
Laughter is often a good medicine.
What do you do when your apartment is constantly shaken by a nearby subway? Joke about it at dinner.
What do you do when you’re about to go face to face with a serial killer? Joke about accidentally cutting off your nipple on the job.
Apathy is the core of David Fincher’s directorial debut, Se7en. A seemingly misanthropic film, Fincher’s subtle use of comedy brings a much needed levity during its down moments.
The gruesome dank world of Bardach County is akin to a Gotham City or a modern day Sodom and Gamorrah. Unbelievably cold acts of inhumane sinful torture happens in every inch of this city. It’s bleak, uninviting, and cruel. Only an idiot would completely uproot his highschool sweetheart and beloved dogs, and being them to such a place.
Detective Mills is that idiot. Careless, hotheaded, naive. He’s not a bad man by any means, but he’s far from wise. His partner is the…